New: Now you can add up to 500 characters in your signature instead of the usual 200 characters length.
We understand that most money makers doesn't promote only one program online and it can be difficult to promote 2 or more programs in your old 200 characters signature to earn a sale, traffic or commission.
So we have upgraded the forum signature characters length to 500. That is 250% of the usual 200 characters length, bringing you more value.
We want the best for everyone, it can be annoying to read a post if the signature is too big, messy or with more than 1 banner showing. Please read the rules and guideline for the new signature rule below.
New Signature Rule:
Maximum of 6 lines in Signature
Maximum of 1 image (Not larger than 468x60)
Maximum of font size 3
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Signature will be removed and warning level will increase if rules are not followed.
You can update your new signature here and start making a sale here:
Update your signature!
(You will need to log into your account to be able to edit your signature)
What does signature mean and how it can help me?
Any url, banner or message you placed on your signature will appear at the bottom of all of your posts.
This is a free and smart way to advertise your online business, build targeted traffic or pass a message across for free, bringing you free targeted traffic.
Warning: DO NOT abuse the exposure of your signature by posting useless information or posting spams in the forum, posting useless information just to show your signature will result in getting your account banned and all your posts wiped with one click.
You know we want the best for you and everyone
Please help us spread this message to 1 or more of your money making friends online. I am sure they will be delighted you introduced dreamteammoney forum to them!
Invest 20 minutes to read this 3 topics today if you have the time:
What can we do in this difficult time?
Why you join Dreamteammoney forum?
Ways to make money in DreamTeamMoney forum
Pass this topic url to your friends or include this newsletter in your next article
Thank you and enjoy discovering, learning, sharing and earning
Many members are apart of various forums and will promote their own board by using the signature block on these forums. They'll add an image banner, or an anchored link back to their site.
Internet Marketing
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